Wednesday, May 27, 2009

How to remove the service events from HMC.

How to remove the service events from HMC.

Step1 > List the events for a particular time period on which the tickets are coming.

Use lssvcevents command to list the service events.

Step2> Confirm that the problem doesn’t exist.

Step3>Close the problem if it doesn’t exist.

Use chsvcevent to close the problems

Step4>list the vents again to confirm the events has been closed.

Following are the commands used (With examples).



1.      lssvcevents


 list console or serviceable events


lssvcevents -t {console | hardware}

[-d number-of-days | -i number-of-minutes]

[-m managed-system]

[--filter "filter-data"]

[-F [attribute-names] [--header]] [--help]



lssvcevents lists console events logged by the Hardware Management Console (HMC), or serviceable

ev ents.


-t The type of events to list. Valid values are console for console events, or hardware for serviceable



-d  The number of days prior to today for which events will be listed. Events that occurred today will

be listed, along with any events that occurred during the past number-of-days days.

If this option is omitted when listing console events, console events that occurred within the past 7

days will be listed.

If this option is omitted when listing serviceable events, all serviceable events will be listed.


-I  The number of minutes to go back and search for events. This search is based on the time that the

ev ent was initially created on the HMC, and is not affected by later updates to the event.


-m The name of the managed system for which serviceable events are to be listed. The name may

either be the user-defined name for the managed system, or be in the form tttt-mmm*ssssssss,

where tttt is the machine type, mmm is the model, and ssssssss is the serial number of the managed

system. The tttt-mmm*ssssssss form must be used if there are multiple managed systems with the

same user-defined name.

If this option is omitted, all serviceable events will be listed.

This option is only valid when listing serviceable events.


--filter The filter to apply to the serviceable events to be listed. A filter is used to select which serviceable

ev ents are to be listed. For example, only open serviceable events can be listed by using a filter to

specify the status (open) of the serviceable events to list. If a filter is not used, then all serviceable

ev ents will be listed.


The filter data consists of filter name/value pairs, which are in comma separated value (CSV) format.

The filter data must be enclosed in double quotes.

The format of the filter data is as follows:


Note that certain filters accept a comma separated list of values, as follows:


When a list of values is specified, the filter name/value pair must be enclosed in double quotes.

Depending on the shell being used, nested double quote characters may need to be preceded by an

escape character, which is usually a ’\’ character.

Linux May2004 1


Multiple values can be specified for each filter.

Valid filter names for serviceable events:


Specify event problem number(s)


Specify event status. Valid values are

open or closed.

This option is not valid when listing console events.

-F A delimiter separated list of attribute names for the desired attribute values to be displayed for

each event. If no attribute names are specified, then values for all of the attributes for each event

will be displayed.

When this option is specified, only attribute values will be displayed. No attribute names will be

displayed. The attribute values displayed will be separated by the delimiter which was specified

with this option.

This option is useful when only attribute values are desired to be displayed, or when the values of

only selected attributes are desired to be displayed.


Display a header record, which is a delimiter separated list of attribute names for the attribute values

that will be displayed. This header record will be the first record displayed. This option is

only valid when used with the -F option.

--help Display the help text for this command and exit.



List the serviceable events that occurred today:

lssvcevents -t hardware -d 0


List the console events that occurred within the past 3 days:

lssvcevents -t console -d 3


List all of the open serviceable events for the system system1:

lssvcevents -t hardware -m system1 --filter "status=open"


List only the problem numbers and status of all serviceable events for the system that occurred within the

last 7 days, and separate the output values with a colon:


lssvcevents -t hardware -m 9406-570*101234A -d 7 -F



Examples :

 hscroot@0301:~> lssvcevents -t hardware -d 30

problem_num=32,pmh_num=,refcode=B3010002,status=Open,first_time=06/06/2008 22:52:52,last_time=06/06/2008 22:52:52,sys_name=0301,sys_mtms=7310-CR3/1098F0A,enclosure_mtms=9117-570/10CE43F,firmware_fix=,text=Communications to the SFP component on partition anrp0901 are unavailable.,created_time=06/06/2008 22:52:52,reporting_name=0301,reporting_mtms=7310-CR3/1098F0A,failing_mtms=9117-570/10CE43F,analyzing_hmc=0301,event_time=06/06/2008 22:52:52

problem_num=31,pmh_num=,refcode=B3010002,status=Open,first_time=06/06/2008 22:42:27,last_time=06/06/2008 22:42:27,sys_name=0301,sys_mtms=7310-CR3/1098F0A,enclosure_mtms=7310-CR3/1098F0A,firmware_fix=,text=Communication lost with the ctrmc RMC subsystem on the HMC with a serial number of 1098F0A. The communication error code was B301000200000070.,created_time=06/06/2008 22:42:27,reporting_name=0301,reporting_mtms=7310-CR3/1098F0A,failing_mtms=7310-CR3/1098F0A,analyzing_hmc=0301,event_time=06/06/2008 22:42:27

problem_num=30,pmh_num=,refcode=2601-706,status=Open,first_time=06/02/2008 17:54:52,last_time=06/02/2008 17:54:52,sys_name=Server-9117-570-SN10E4F1A,sys_mtms=9117-570/10E4F1A,enclosure_mtms=9117-570/10E4F1A,firmware_fix=,text=A fatal hardware error has occurred.  This adapter was successfully taken off-line.  It will remain off-line until reconfigured or the system is rebooted.  This adapter must be replaced and not brought back on-line.  Failure to adhere to this action could result in data being read or written incorrectly or in the loss of data.,created_time=06/02/2008 17:54:52,reporting_name=Server-9117-570-SN10E4F1A,reporting_mtms=9117-570/10E4F1A,failing_mtms=9117-570/10E4F1A,analyzing_hmc=0301,event_time=04/13/2008 15:51:21

Another example is ;

lssvcevents -t hardware -d 40 -m tpep0101 -s ALL

Managed System  Earliest Timestamp   Call Home  Called Home  Error Class  Description

tpep0101        06/05/2008 11:05:16  Yes        Yes          OS           The CEC or SPCN reported a non-critical error. Report the SRN and the following reference and physical location codes to your service provider.



Note : Note down the problem number and the status of the problem number >And change the status of the particular problem number to “closed” by using the following command.


2.      NAME

chsvcevent - update a serviceable event on the HMC.


chsvcevent -p problem number -h analyzing hmc

-o close [--help]


chsvcevent update a serviceable event on the HMC.


-p The problem number, as displayed by the lssvcevents command.

-h The analyzing HMC, as displayed by the lssvcevents command.

-o The operation to perform. Valid values are close.

Use the close operation to close the specified serviceable event.

--help Display the help text for this command and exit.


To close a serviceable event:

chsvcevent -p 1048 -h 7315-C02/KLRMT0L -o close




hscroot@0301:~> chsvcevent -p 32 -h 0301 -o close

hscroot@0301:~> chsvcevent -p 31 -h 0301 -o close

hscroot@0301:~> chsvcevent -p 30 -h 0301 -o close


Again check the service events and and make sure that the status of the problem number has been changed to closed as shown below.


hscroot@0301:~> lssvcevents -t hardware -d 30 --filter "status=closed"

problem_num=32,pmh_num=,refcode=B3010002,status=Closed,first_time=06/06/2008 22:52:52,last_time=06/06/2008 22:52:52,sys_name=0301,sys_mtms=7310-CR3/1098F0A,enclosure_mtms=9117-570/10CE43F,firmware_fix=,text=Communications to the SFP component on partition anrp0901 are unavailable.,created_time=06/06/2008 22:52:52,reporting_name=0301,reporting_mtms=7310-CR3/1098F0A,failing_mtms=9117-570/10CE43F,analyzing_hmc=0301,event_time=06/06/2008 22:52:52

problem_num=31,pmh_num=,refcode=B3010002,status=Closed,first_time=06/06/2008 22:42:27,last_time=06/06/2008 22:42:27,sys_name=0301,sys_mtms=7310-CR3/1098F0A,enclosure_mtms=7310-CR3/1098F0A,firmware_fix=,text=Communication lost with the ctrmc RMC subsystem on the HMC with a serial number of 1098F0A. The communication error code was B301000200000070.,created_time=06/06/2008 22:42:27,reporting_name=0301,reporting_mtms=7310-CR3/1098F0A,failing_mtms=7310-CR3/1098F0A,analyzing_hmc=0301,event_time=06/06/2008 22:42:27

problem_num=30,pmh_num=,refcode=2601-706,status=Closed,first_time=06/02/2008 17:54:52,last_time=06/02/2008 17:54:52,sys_name=Server-9117-570-SN10E4F1A,sys_mtms=9117-570/10E4F1A,enclosure_mtms=9117-570/10E4F1A,firmware_fix=,text=A fatal hardware error has occurred.  This adapter was successfully taken off-line.  It will remain off-line until reconfigured or the system is rebooted.  This adapter must be replaced and not brought back on-line.  Failure to adhere to this action could result in data being read or written incorrectly or in the loss of data.,created_time=06/02/2008 17:54:52,reporting_name=Server-9117-570-SN10E4F1A,reporting_mtms=9117-570/10E4F1A,failing_mtms=9117-570/10E4F1A,analyzing_hmc=0301,event_time=04/13/2008 15:51:21

Extraction of iqyylog from HMC(command line)

Extraction of iqyylog from HMC(command line)

Login to the HMC with hscroot as HMC user and check for the user hscpe.

:a141517> ssh hscroot@

hscroot@:~> lshmcusr


name=hscpe,taskrole=hmcpe,description=HMC User,pwage=99999,resourcerole=

name=monitor,taskrole=hmcviewer,description=monitoring user,pwage=99999,resourcerole=

name=ibmuser,taskrole=hmcservicerep,description=ibm user,pwage=99999,resourcerole=


Create the same if it doesn’t exists ;

create hscpe user with a user role of “hmcpe” as hscroot from websm or from the command line:

mkhmcusr -u hscpe -a hmcpe

Change the password for hscpe user ;

chhmcusr -u hscpe -t passwd


hscroot@:~> chhmcusr -u hscpe -t passwd

Enter the new password:********

Retype the new password:*******

Come out from hscroot and relogin with hscpe ;

Then follow these steps;

1. pedbg –r          Remove old debug information

2 .pedbg –c          Create new debug information

This will prompt you for few queries, ie,

Would you like to collect additional data? Please type yes or no.
If you answer yes, the size of the data collected will be larger.
Would you like to generate java core files. Please type yes or no.
No core files will be collected if you answer no.
Would you like to generate a hardware server dump file. Please type yes or no.
Would you like to collect RSCT trace file. Please type yes or no.
Would you like to collect CCFW info file. Please type yes or no.
Would you like to move zip file to a DVD? Please type yes or no.

This operation will generate a file like, will be in /dump


Rename the file to the reference number) using command:

  cp /dump/ /tmp/

 Then use send file to send ( FTP ) to a server where FTP deamon is


 hscpe@hmc:~> sendfile -f /tmp/ -h -d



Do scp from the system where you are authorized.


 scp hscpe@:/tmp/1S6WKL_iqyylog .

Get it  to your local desktop by doing ftp and then extract from zip file only the iqqylog.log file and mail that to IBM


**Examples are from lighting system.


Restore filesystem using savevg - restvg

Restore  filesystem using savevg - restvg

Run Savevg command


 Command_to_Execute follows below:

>> /usr/bin/savevg  -f'/tmp/ciha1vg02'  '-i' '-m' '-e'   '-r' ciha1vg02


    Output from Command_to_Execute follows below:

---- start ----


Creating information file for volume group ciha1vg02.

Backing up user Volume Group information files only.

Creating list of files to back up.egrep: 0652-033 Cannot open /tmp/mksysb.1912862/new_exclude.


Backing up 10 files

10 of 10 files (100%)

0512-038 savevg: Backup Completed Successfully.

---- end ----


( data copied to check data not backed up)

root@:/tmp df -k

/dev/ciha102lvd02      884736    884272    1%        4     1% /SMBresgrptest

/dev/ciha102lvd01      983040    792928   20%      136     1% /SMBresgrqtest /dev/ciha102lvsmb      131072    130724    1%        4     1% /appl/samba_p


Umount all filesystems

root@:/tmp umount /SMBresgrptest

root@:/tmp umount /SMBresgrqtest

root@:/tmp umount /appl/samba_p

root@:/tmp lsvg






root@:/tmp lsvg -l ciha1vg02


LV NAME             TYPE       LPs   PPs   PVs  LV STATE      MOUNT POINT

ciha102lvlog        jfs2log    1     1     1    closed/syncd  N/A

ciha102lvsmb        jfs2       4     4     1    closed/syncd  /appl/samba_p

ciha102lvd01        jfs2       30    30    1    closed/syncd  /SMBresgrqtest

ciha102lvd02        jfs2       27    27    1    closed/syncd  /SMBresgrptest





Remove all filesystems

root@:/tmp rmfs /appl/samba_p

rmlv: Logical volume ciha102lvsmb is removed.

root@:/tmp rmfs /SMBresgrqtest

rmlv: Logical volume ciha102lvd01 is removed.

root@:/tmp rmfs /SMBresgrptest

rmlv: Logical volume ciha102lvd02 is removed.

root@:/tmp rmlv ciha102lvlog

Warning, all data contained on logical volume ciha102lvlog will be destroyed.

rmlv: Do you wish to continue? y(es) n(o)? y

rmlv: Logical volume ciha102lvlog is removed.

root@:/tmp lsvg -l ciha1vg02


LV NAME             TYPE       LPs   PPs   PVs  LV STATE      MOUNT POINT


Varyoff and exportvg

root@:/tmp varyoffvg ciha1vg02

root@;/tmp exportvg ciha1vg02


Restore volume group

root@:/tmp smitty restvg

                                               Remake a Volume Group


Type or select values in entry fields.

Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.


                                                        [Entry Fields]

* Restore DEVICE or FILE                             [/tmp/ciha1vg02]                                           

  SHRINK the filesystems?                             no                                                        +

  Recreate logical volumes and filesystems only?      yes                                                       

  PHYSICAL VOLUME names                              []                                                         +

     (Leave blank to use the PHYSICAL VOLUMES listed

      in the file in the backup image)

  Use existing MAP files?                             yes                                                       +

  Physical partition SIZE in megabytes               []                                                         +#

     (Leave blank to have the SIZE determined

      based on disk size)

  Number of BLOCKS to read in a single input         []                                                         

     (Leave blank to use a system default)

  Alternate file                             []                                                          /

     (Leave blank to use stored in

      backup image)








Command: running       stdout: yes           stderr: no


Before command completion, additional instructions may appear below.


Will create the Volume Group:   ciha1vg02

Target Disks:   hdisk1 hdisk4

Allocation Policy:

        Shrink Filesystems:     no

        Preserve Physical Partitions for each Logical Volume:   yes


/usr/sbin/mkvg: This concurrent capable volume group must be varied on manually.







root@:/tmp df -k

Filesystem    1024-blocks      Free %Used    Iused %Iused Mounted on

/dev/ciha102lvd02      884736    884272    1%        4     1% /SMBresgrptest

/dev/ciha102lvd01      983040    982560    1%        4     1% /SMBresgrqtest

/dev/ciha102lvsmb      131072    130724    1%        4     1% /appl/samba_p


No data restored.

Extension of file system in HACMP

1          Extension of file system in HACMP

 CSPOC can be used if it is a shred filesystem .

Step 1 When free space available


Check the volume group if free PPs are available then extend the filesystem

Online by chfs command on primary node


Chfs –a size=+---M filesystem name  ( extend filesystem )


On primary node do varyonvg –b –u  vgname ( open lock )


On seconday do importvg –L vgname vpathname  (volume group in learn mode)


On primary do varyonvg vgname ( close lock )


Step 2 When free space not available


If PPs are not available check for free luns on primary node

Run cfgmgr –Sv command


Check on server whether free luns are available

If not, Assign ticket to Storage Team with log comment

For necessary luns allocation.Once luns are assigned on system check for primary and

Secondary luns

Check pvid are same on primary and secondary node, you need to bring pvid from primary to secondary, you can do that by creating testvg on primary and importing the same on secondary. Once both pvids match , then use extendvg to add new luns to volumegroup.

Extendvg vgname vpathname


Remaining process is same as in step 1 above.


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

HACMP - AIX Common Commands


The following commands can be run from the command line to obtain information about your
HACMP for AIX cluster environment. 

cl_convert - Converts Configuration Database of previous HACMP release to Configuration Database of current release. Run from the command line only if installation fails. Otherwise, it runs automatically with installation.

clconvert_snapshot Upgrades cluster snapshots.

clRGinfo Displays the status and location of a given resource group in the
cluster configuration.

clgetaddr Returns IP address for the specified node name.

clpasswd Changes a user’s password on each node in the cluster.

cllscf Lists cluster topology information.

cllsdisk Lists PVIDs of accessible disks in a specified resource chain.

cllsfs List filesystems accessible in a specified resource chain.

cllslv List the names of filesystems accessible by nodes in a specified resource chain.

cllsgrp Lists all resource groups.

cllsnim Lists contents of HACMPnetwork interface module Configuration Database class.

cllsparam Lists runtime parameters.

cllsres Lists Configuration Database resource data by name and arguments.

cllsserv Lists application servers by name.

cllsvg List volume groups accessible in a specified resource chain.

clshowres Shows node environment resources.

clstat Monitors status of cluster.

cltopinfo Lists all topology information: cluster, nodes, networks, interfaces.

get_local_nodename Retrieves the name of the local node.

clgetactivenodes Retrieves the names of all active cluster nodes.

clresactive Retrieves the names of all active resources.

HACMP for AIX C-SPOC Common Commands

The following C-SPOC commands function in cluster environments and can be run from the command line to manage the cluster. 

cl_clstop Stops cluster services on nodes running C-SPOC.

cl_lsfs Displays shared filesystem attributes for all cluster nodes.

cl_lsgroup Displays group attributes for all cluster nodes.

cl_lslv Displays shared logical volume attributes for cluster nodes.

cl_lsuser Displays user account attributes for all nodes.

cl_lsvg Displays shared volume group attributes for cluster nodes.

cl_nodecmd Runs a given command in parallel on a given set of nodes.

cl_rc.cluster Sets the operating environment and starts cluster daemons.


Step for migrating AIX to AIX 5.3

AIX  5.3 Migration Checklist and Procedure steps





Steps for Migrating a server to AIX 5.3 (from AIX 4.3.3, AIX 5.1, or AIX 5.2):

Hide details for Prior to the migration, check the level of microcode on the CDROM drive and upgrade it if necessary. (downlevePrior to the migration, check the level of microcode on the CDROM drive and upgrade it if necessary. (downlevel CDROM microc...
Prior to the migration, check the level of microcode on the CDROM drive and upgrade it if necessary. (downlevel CDROM microcode can cause a 0C45 hang). No boot required:

  1. Do "lscfg -vpl cd0"
    1. if the part number is 04N2964 or the FRU is 04N2967 or the FRU is 97H7796, this is a 40X cdrom (ROS Level and ID show the microcode level) (1_06 is current)
    2. if the part number is 97H7795 or the FRU is 97H7610 or the FRU is 97H7796, this is a 32X cdrom (ROS Level and ID show the microcode level) (1_03 is current)
  2. Make sure that there are no cds in the cdrom drive
  3. Mount /inst.images from codeman.
    1. If this system is in the blue zone, issue mount codeman:/inst.images /inst.images on the system
    2. If this system is not in the blue zone, issue ssh_mount /inst.images system_name /inst.images on codeman
  4. for the 40x cdrom "cp -p /inst.images/microcode/cdrom/40x_web/* /tmp"
  5. for the 32x cdrom "cp -p /inst.images/microcode/cdrom/32x_web/* /tmp"
  6. for both, you also need the genucode stuff. "cp -p /inst.images/microcode/genucode/web_microcode/* /tmp"
  7. unmount /inst.images
    1. If this system is in the blue zone, issue umount /inst.images on the system
    2. If this system is not in the blue zone, issue ssh_umount /inst.images system_name on codeman
  8. issue cd /tmp
  9. now run "/tmp/cpcat"
  10. Then run "/tmp/genucode -s cd0".
  11. Wait a couple of minutes for the internal processing on the cdrom to complete.
  12. issue rmdev -dl cd0
  13. issue cfgmgr
  14. the command lscfg -vpl cd0 should now show "ROS Level and ID" of 1_03 for 32x or 1_06 for 40x.
  15. you do not need to reboot to make this effective.



  1. Run checkout and ensure that it is clean (see U8BA Midrange System Support)
  2. Do a mksysb or sysback backup to tape NOW.
  3. To capture the migration, do all of the system steps from here on using autocons and set up a "script" capture. This will allow us to review the entire migration, in case of problems. To do this, logon to any system that is set up to run the autocons command (codeman, any of the autocons machines, or your AIX machine, if it is set up). Then issue:
    1. script system_to_migrate.migrationlog
    2. autocons system_to_migrate
    • At any time, if the migration has failed and you want to see the log, enter "~." to exit autocons and then use cntrl-D to close the script file. You can now view the system_to_migrate.migrationlog
  1. Run /hone/support/pre_aix53
    • This does a bunch of stuff, including removing some stuff that can foul up the migration and saving some parameters for the post install. It also unmirrors rootvg (MUST be done). It will stop every time that it does anything major or runs into a problem, so you can't just start it and walk away.
    • Be sure to document each time that it stops. Some items will need to be fixed after the migration (such as putting wu-ftp back into /etc/inetd.conf)
    • unmirrorvg and reducevg can sometimes hang.
      • If you need to kill them, you will probably need to reboot before you can do any recovery. If rootvg contained hdisk0 and hdisk1 before the unmirrorvg/reducevg and lsvg -p rootvg shows something like:
        • hdisk0 active ...
        • hdisk1 ??? ...
      • then you will need to run:
        • redefinevg -d hdisk0 rootvg
        • synclvodm -v rootvg
      • Once you have fixed the problems with unmirrorvg/reducevg, rerun /hone/support/pre_aix53
  2. Reboot to clean up the unmirror and other items. Use shutdown -Fr.
    • Warning: Sometimes login via the CDE gui fails after this procedure. You may need to use line-mode.
  3. If using CD's:
    1. Be sure that you have the right level of CDs: AIX 5.3 - TL 5 - CD's should be LCD4-7463-06 (dated 7/2006)
    2. Place CD #1 into the machine
    3. Reboot using shutdown -Fr, but don't allow the machine to go through a normal boot-up sequence. Press F5 (or 5 from autocons) when you get the keyboard prompt.
  1. If using NIM:

Hide details for NIM InstructionsNIM Instructions

    • NIM Instructions
    1. On the migrating machine:

                                                         i.            run bootinfo -p to determine hardware platform type: chrp rspc rs6k (circle one) ONLY chrp is supported

                                                       ii.            run lscfg | grep proc to determine up (one processor) or mp (multiple processors): up mp (circle one)

                                                      iii.            run /hone/support/ | more

        • Default Gateway (Default Route) = ________________
        • IP = _______________________
        • Mask = __________________
        • MAC Address (optional) = ________________________
        • For ethernet, media_speed = _________________________
        • Slot = ____________________
        • Ethernet or Token Ring: ________________
        • Note: If the machine is on both the 9.17.201 and 9.17.205 networks, you can configure NIM to use either one. However, you need to be consistent and use the IP name for the correct adapter and the right gateway (ex: hone1d for 9.17.205 with gateway of OR hone1 for 9.17.201 with gateway of
    1. On moondance:

                                 .            smitty nim_mkmac

a.       Enter the name of the machine to be migrated

b.      If this is a new network, you will be asked to choose eth or tok, as appropriate for the machine being migrated

c.       Set "Hardware Platform Type" to chrp

d.      Set "Kernel to use for Network Boot" to either mp or up

e.       NIM Network

          • If machine network is known to NIM (already configured), it will automatically be filled in with something like ent_NetworkX.
          • Otherwise, you will be creating a new network and will need to set the correct subnet mask and gateway
          • The "Network Adapter Hardware Address" is not required. If you want to set it, use the MAC address that you got earlier

                                                                                                         i.            smitty nim_bosinst

 .        choose the name of the machine to be migrated

a.       choose rte

b.      choose 5305_lpp_source

c.       choose 5305_spot

d.      Choose the "BOSINST_DATA to use during installation": aix53_migrate_bosinst

e.       set "ACCEPT new license agreements" to "yes"

f.        Change "Initiate reboot and installation now?" to "no"

g.       set "ACCEPT new license agreements" in the "installp Flags" section to "yes"

        • If you receive an error:
          • 0042-001 nim: processing error encountered on "master":
          • 0042-302 m_allocate: the state of "buckskin" prevents this operation
          • from succeeding. Use the "reset" operation to correct
          • its state then retry the intended operation.
          • Use smitty_nim_mac_op to issue the reset. Change "deallocate" to "yes" and "force" to "yes"
          • Then go back and do this step (smitty nim_mac_res)
    1. Reboot your migrating machine using shutdown -Fr, but don't allow the machine to go through a normal boot-up sequence. Press F1 (or 1 from autocons) when you get the keyboard prompt.
    2. Select Multiboot
    3. Select Boot Sequence
    4. Make the correct adapter the 1st device
    5. Back out to the main SMS menu
    6. Select Utilities
    7. Select RIPL (Remote IPL Progam Load)

                                 .            Set the IP information

        • Define the IP of the migrating machine (client)
        • Server is (moondance)
        • Gateway is the correct gateway to reach the server
        • Set the correct network mask

                                                                                 i.            If ethernet, set the speed and duplex for the correct adapter in Configuration or Adapter Parameters

                                                       ii.            Ping Test

        • Select the correct adapter
    1. Exit all of the way out of SMS to allow the bootp to start
    2. Note: You sometimes will see a double NIM/Sysback boot. This is normal and has to do with firmware interaction with AIX 5.3.

                                 .            LOAD: Waiting 60 seconds for Spanning Tree
FILE: /tftpboot/lmtaix07
Load Addr=0x4000 Max Size=0x1ffc000
FINAL Packet Count = 16554   Final File Size = 8475417 bytes.

LOAD: Waiting 60 seconds for Spanning Tree
FILE: /tftpboot/lmtaix07
Load Addr=0x4000 Max Size=0xbfc000
FINAL Packet Count = 16554   Final File Size = 8475417 bytes.

  8. We've encountered a number of problems with the migration. To help the support center, we will run all migrations in "debug" mode. Follow these instructions:
    1. First prompt will be to choose the console. Press 1 from an ascii console or F1 from a graphics, then enter.
    2. Second prompt will be to choose a language. Press 1 and enter for English.
    3. (if you chose "aix53_migrate_bosinst" in NIM, you can skip this step because debug mode is already on): You will now see a menu for the installation. Enter 911 and press enter now. This sets up debug mode.
    4. You will see the same installation menu again. Take the defaults.
    5. The next menu should say "migration". If it doesn't, stop and get help. Otherwise, take the defaults.
    6. The migration will run for a little while, perhaps 5 or 10 minutes. Don't walk away. There is another prompt coming up. Choose the option to continue with the migration.
    7. (for NIM, ignore this:) First CD will take an hour or 2. After that it will call for the CDs pretty quickly.
    8. When migration is complete, system will reboot itself. It may give a message about the Trusted Computing Base not being active. Ignore this. We don't want the Trusted Computing Base.
  1. If using CD's:
    1. If running on ascii console, first screen after reboot will ask for console type. For autocons, respond "vt100".
    2. After reboot, the system will ask you to accept the license. Always accept the license. Then quit all of the way out.
    3. Installation assistant will come up. You can go right to the bottom option that says "tasks completed, exit to login".
    4. Remove the remaining CD.
  1. Run /hone/support/post_aix53
    1. This does a bunch of stuff, including fixing some stuff that got fouled up in the migration.. It also mirrors rootvg if the pre_aix53 script unmirrored them. You can use topas to see the I/O is occurring during the mirroring (for a warm, fuzzy feeling). Note that this script will stop every time that it does anything major or runs into a problem, so you can't just start it and walk away.
    2. Be sure to document each time that it stops. Some items will need to be fixed by hand after the post migration script completes. If you are not sure, send an email to Richard with the items that you wrote down.
    3. lppchk problems - If the post processing shows lppchk problems, you should run lppchk -v -m3 2>&1 | more to get the full list of what is wrong. The post processing only gives you a short list. Then you will need to determine whether filesets need to be installed or removed.
    4. Note: you may get an error that devices.pci.14109f00 is at instead of This is a known problem and the fix is not yet available.
  1. Reboot using shutdown -Fr
  2. Check the clock on the system. (date command). Is it correct?
  3. Run checkout.
    1. Many things will have changed:

                                 .            Old>AIXLEVEL: New>AIXLEVEL:

                                                         i.            no options

                                                       ii.            nfso options

                                                      iii.            paging may have moved (if you originally were mirrored an booted from hdisk1)

                                                     iv.            PS: root rpc.statd  (rpc.statd now runs under daemon instead of root)

                                                       v.            NETINFO - IP addresses should be the same, but AIX 5.2 reports on card positions differently.

                                                     vi.            SYS0 may have some changes

                                                    vii.            sendmail

                                                  viii.            inetd

    1. If you are missing other processes or disks or anything else, you should check this carefully.
    2. Update checkout's control file using the "-update" option. See U8BA Midrange System Support
  1. Run checkout -new
    1. AIX 5.3 has new processes, new filesystems, etc. Decide which ones to add to the checkout table.
  1. Run /hone/support/ AIX 5.3 may need more dump space than AIX 4.3.3 did. You may need to increase dump space or /var.
  2. Update the dept database (BLDINET on notes) and the CM Integrator record for this machine to show that it is AIX 5.3 ML 5.
  3. Perform security scan:
    1. If MSS system, to get a scan on demand you have to engage the MSSD team directly, Brian Stough is the contact
    2. If not MSS system:

                                 .            bring up mozilla on new server: mozilla

        • If mozilla is not installed, use inst_mozilla to install it Database 'LURA Midrange System Support', View 'Procs\All By Doctype', Document 'inst_mozilla - Install the Mozilla Browser'
        • (you can use VNC to get a graphics session on the new server if you are working from a PC and have no Xwindows server)

                                                         i.            go to scanondemand URL

                                                       ii.            login and tell it to scan the machine you are on.

                                                      iii.            Ensure ALL vulnerabilities in the scan report are addressed! Once the scan is clean, copy the scan to the security archive directory as: /var/adm/sec_logs/archive/initial_scan

  1. Close the migration log file. Enter "~." to exit autocons and then use cntrl-D to close the script file. You can now view the system_to_migrate.migrationlog
  2. You are done. Be happy.

Hide details for Office Network Media SpeedOffice Network Media Speed

  1. During the migration to AIX 5.2 , some of the group have encountered problems with NFS (very slow response). I have contacted IBM support and it appears that we have a 'Media_Speed' negotiation problem between the machine network adapter and the Ethernet closet port switch. I have contacted the Boulder Campus folks and they have requested that we set

our office workstations to 'Auto_Negotiation' instead of '100_Full_Duplex'. This appears to correct the NFS response issue.

Please let me know if you, if you have any questions or problems and we can work with the campus folks to get your machine
communicating correctly.

Procedure for changing media speed:
When you issue the detach to your adapter you will lose your 'Default Gateway'. Record the gateway info from smitty tcpip 'Minimum Configuration & Startup' or from ' netstat -rn' (Your default gateway is listed in the second column to the right of 'default')

  • umount any NFS filesystems
  • ifconfig enx detach
  • ifconfig entx detach
  • chdev -l entx -a media_speed='Auto_Negotiation'
  • smitty tcpip, Select 'Minumum Configuration & Startup', Select enx and update 'Default Gateway
  • entstat -d entx Shows stats on ethernet adapter and Media speed selected and Media speed running (bottom of output). Also if you show any 'CRC Errors' or 'DMA Overrun' counts then this is a indication of a mismatch between the Ethernet adapter and the switch port.

Hide details for Things that can go wrong and how to fix them:Things that can go wrong and how to fix them:
Things that can go wrong and how to fix them:

  • openssh won't start (startsrc -s sshd gives a message that "sshd subsystem is not on file")
    • Try running /hone/support/ssh_aix53 2>&1 | more. If you get an error message from the openssl install that says something like:

Getting failed dependencies
/bin/libc.a (shr.0)
/usr/bin/perl is not found

      • You need to run "updtvpkg" to fix the rpm packaging. Warning, when I ran this, it hung or looped. After 20 minutes, I had to find the last child process (use ps -ef | grep updtvpkg and then pidlist xxxx) and kill just that process (without -9). That allowed it to continue and finish.
  • Kerberos is downlevel (can cause openssh to fail). The "krb5*" filesets must be at 1.3 or above. 1.0 or 1.1 will not work on AIX 5.x.
  • Migration hangs at about 93% complete. Some parts of the migration can take quite a while. But, if the migration hangs at some point for 30 to 60 minutes, then something has gone wrong with the migration. Rebooting may fail at this point. (E105 is one symptom). Possible solution(s):
    • First try:
      • boot into maintenance, before mounting FS
      • .
      • #fsck -y /dev/hd4
      • #fsck -y /dev/hd3
      • #fsck -y /dev/hd2
      • #fsck -y /dev/hd1
      • #fsck -y /dev/hd9var
      • #exit
      • #bosboot -ad /dev/hdisk0
      • # sync; sync; sync; reboot
    • If that doesn't work, try:
      • boot into maintenance, before mounting FS
      • .
      • #fsck -y /dev/hd4
      • #fsck -y /dev/hd3
      • #fsck -y /dev/hd2
      • #fsck -y /dev/hd1
      • #fsck -y /dev/hd9var
      • #/usr/sbin/logform /dev/hd8; Destroy?YES
      • #exit
      • #df -k
      • nothing full nothing close to 90%
      • #lslv -m hd5 hdisk0
      • # lppchk -v, -c, -l -> all clear
      • #rmlv hd5
      • #chpv -c hdisk0
      • #bootinfo -B hdisk0 -> 1
      • #mklv -y hd5 -a e -t boot rootvg 2 hdisk0
      • #bosboot -ad /dev/hdisk0
      • .
      • #bootlist -m normal -o -> hdisk0
      • # sync; sync; sync; reboot